Insights and updates TRAVEL YOUR LIFE
Nora Strunz

Dear travel friends


After a long break and some changes in my life, I would like to share with you almost all the news 😊.


But first of all the information that the next trip in November to ALBA/ Italy is almost full and there are still a few places even for EARLY BIRD PRICE until the end of June, i.e. until Sunday.

This trip will be a culinary and cultural highlight!

So register quickly.

Click here to register:

In May I started working at the German Embassy in Vienna, which means that I will use the corresponding holiday capacity for my travel activities. I have therefore decided to only offer a few very select trips and to only work exclusively beyond that. This means that you can approach me with a certain number of people and I will organize everything according to the desired topic and travel destination AND of course accompany the group. This means that you can continue to enjoy my expertise and benefit from my extensive experience.

Next year, an official trip to the Champagne- at the time of harvest - already in planning. Detailed information will follow in the next few weeks.

At this point I would like to emphasize once again the invaluable added value that good travel in the best company brings to the participants. I have observed over the years that it is a great enrichment and that real friendships can develop from it.

Especially in my environment, where most people are in responsible positions and intense life situations, it is a pleasure to take part in well-planned, spiritual journeys with like-minded people.

I would like to continue to make this possible for you.

With this in mind, best regards,

your Nora.


Nora Strunz

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