Discover the land of the white truffle - November 2024
Nora Strunz

Dear travel friends

As announced, I am very pleased to present to you today the official announcement of the exclusive 5-day trip to Alba in the beautiful Piedmont in Italy. 


In October and November of each year, a big festival in honor of the white truffle takes place in Alba, in the picturesque Piedmont/Italy - the world-famous truffle fair.

An unforgettable culinary journey awaits us here with local specialties, wines from this wonderful wine region and of course the delicious “Tartufo Bianco”.

We will also visit a hazelnut farm belonging to the Ferrero empire, where the success story of Nutella & Co began.


This special trip is perfectly rounded off with participation in an exciting cooking workshop as part of the truffle fair, an exclusive food tasting tour in Alba and a visit to local wineries and their excellent wine cellars.

Since there are already a few registrations for this trip, there are only a limited number of places available as I want to keep the format of a small group. So please register as soon as possible 🙂

On this trip I can Offer early bird discount until June 30, 2024.

For detailed program and the registration form This way:

Of course, we have plenty of time to enjoy, relax and socialize - as always, in the best company.

I look forward to seeing each and every one of you. 


Your Nora 🤗 


Nora Strunz

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